
Feast 3 -The Happy Finish (2009) / DVDRip


Plot:The survivors are saved by the mysterious prophet, Shot Gus Bus, which apparently has the ability to control the beasts. He leads them into the sewers as they travel to the big city. He takes them to the sewers, since travel to the big city. Along the way they get help from karate expert Jean-Claude Seagal and learn that the beasts originate from a place called "The Hive." Along the way they receive the help of Jean-Claude Seagal karate and learn that the animals originate from a place called the "nest." "Armed with this knowledge, they decided to fight back and destroy the beasts once and for all. Written by Anonymous Armed with this knowledge, they decided to fight back and destroy the animals once and for all.

Genre: Horror
Length: 1:16:56
Year of Release: 2009
Director: John Gulag


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